Tuesday, June 4, 2024

At Home on Ladybug Farm

by Donna Ball

Three retired women, Lindsey, Bridget, and Cici, purchased an old mansion which they are trying to restore.  One is a teacher-turned-painter and foster mom; one is a realtor who should have been a baker; and the other’s strength is carpentry/building.  Lori, one of their daughters lives with them, and Noah, the 15-year-old foster son.  It’s a story of family, challenges, and growing to independence.  There’s some humor similar to that in Eat Cake.  There are a few chapters that flash back to earlier times.  I enjoyed it.


“‘Always observe the amenities,’ her Grandma Addie had told her.  ‘No matter how low life knocks you, you can hold your head up high if you observe the amenities.’
  “... Now, as a mature young bride and mother-to-be, she understood exactly what the amenities were, and how important it was to observe them. The amenities were gestures of civility performed in this big, often very uncivilized world, small acts of kindness to let others know that their lives were noticed, and their presence valued.”    p. 179  paragraph 1

“‘Motherhood isn’t something that just happens to you,’ Cici said.  ‘It’s a choice you make every day, to put someone else’s happiness and well-being ahead of your own, to teach the hard lessons, to do the right thing even when you’re not sure what the right thing is . . . and to forgive yourself, over and over again, for doing everything wrong.’”    p. 255  paragraph 4


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